Recently, Bot Publishers published the book "Don't app during dinner and other indispensable rules for the digital age" by Sanne Kanis and Aaron Mirck. I would label it as an ethical guide for (re)educators with a high 'dear Mona' content.
What do you think of this rule of thumb: "Be on time during meetings, whether it's a virtual or physical appointment."?
Every little chapter in the book "Don't app while eating," the authors conclude with such rules of thumb ("netiquette"), intended for those who really don't know how to behave during work zone meetings. Personally, I find it rather hilarious to read that you shouldn't sit down to eat extensively during an online meeting, because you wouldn't do that in a physical meeting either... I think of all those lunch meetings I experienced in pre-coronation times and thus can't do much with this advice.
This is about the caliber of topics and tips you will get when you go through the thirty etiquette issues collected by the authors: Whatsapp, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media pass the review. The book is conveniently divided into sections where it covers friends and family, work, balance, children and parenting, dating and relationships, and data and privacy. Not unimportant, of course, and the data and privacy section in particular is informative enough for anyone who doesn't currently know what cybercrime is or finds it difficult to adequately deal with protecting your data. Or dating and relationships, where you learn how to deal with dickpics and what to do when you get "ghosted.