EdTech College and EdTech Lab

Educational technology(EdTech) is now a foundation on which education relies. That's why at NOT 2023 you'll see for the first time the EdTech College and the EdTech Lab, where you'll get a full update on digital transformation within education.

The EdTech College

Renowned speakers take the EdTech College stage and share their visions, knowledge and experiences during the NOT. Entrepreneur/AI educator Jim Stolze will be present all exhibition days and will talk the program about digital transformation of education.
Each exhibition day focuses on a different specific, topical theme in the EdTech College.
Scroll down for the theme overview and program for each day in the EdTech College.

The EdTech Lab

A hub of startups on the exhibition floor of NOT 2023, showcasing their innovative products and services! You will meet young, ambitious entrepreneurs with the firm belief that their idea, product or service offers the solution to an important educational issue. In the afternoon, the founders of these startups will pitch at the EdTech College.

What new companies are in the EdTech Lab? Wellbased, ShowME, Booqio, JetLearn, VR learning lab, Imedu, Pluvo, Flowley, Edutrainers, Hihaho, Beenova, Anywyse, Mobility Era Game, TeachBudddy and BodyScratch.

Current topics in the EdTech College

Tuesday, January 24 - Micro and nano-learning

Today, thanks to digital learning tools, it is much easier to provide step-by-step lessons in clear, bite-sized chunks. In higher education and business, micro- and nano-learning have been on the rise for some time. But also within primary and secondary education this form of learning is rapidly gaining ground. What does this bring students and teachers and what does it require from teachers? Speakers: Anica Schilperoord, Expert Games Changer Academy - Jenya Krul, Director FutureNL - Kristina Dervojeda, Senior Manager PwC.


-> Link to program that day

Wednesday, Jan. 25 - Immersive learning in virtual reality

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. Your message or story is only really heard and remembered when you can make your students experience something and make the lesson material come to life. Virtual reality provides a whole new form of experience. Even cooler is immersive learning, a form of learning that combines techniques from augmented and virtual reality. Speakers: Jolien Mouw, Associate Professor of Educational Sciences - Robin de Lange, Director VR Learning Lab.

Thursday, Jan. 26 - Lifelong development

With the digital transformation, there is so much more to being a teacher now than there used to be. Many teachers feel like they have to be some kind of five-legged sheep. How do you stay just one step ahead of your students? Or is that not necessary at all and are there enough digital teaching aids, (online) learning materials and YouTube tutorials that allow students to learn independently? Speakers: Erik Scherder, Professor in Clinical Neuropsychology - Jan Visser, Cybersecurity and privacy professional - Alette Baardmans, Director Education Warehouse.

Friday, Jan. 27 - AI-powered adaptive literacy

What are the latest insights around artificial intelligence in education? For which issues can AI be a solution and are there also risks involved? In the recently established National Education AI Lab (NOLAI), schools, scientists and companies are working closely together on intelligent digital education innovations that make use of AI. Focus areas include the responsible pedagogical-didactical use of intelligent learning tools in schools, broadening AI applications in education, responsible data sharing and operationalizing ethical principles into good practices. All issues that will certainly also be reviewed in Friday's EdTech College. Speakers: Jim Stolze, AI Educator - Laurens Vreekamp, prichter Future Journalism Today Academy, author The Art of AI.

Saturday, Jan. 28 - Educational gamification

What can we learn from the games our students volunteer to play all day (and sometimes night) on their devices? What can education benefit from game environments developed using gameplay mechanics? And how can we develop games ourselves to make teaching material attractive? Speakers: Martijn Koops, Game Didactics - Anica Schilperoord, Expert Games Changer Academy - Jenya Krul, Director FutureNL - Richard van Tilborg, Founder CoVince.